Updated: 2 December 2021
To help keep everyone safe can we please ask of you:
Complete the COVID-19 pre-screen form emailed to you prior to your appointment. Please do not attend your appointment if you are unwell in any way.
Contact tracing of anyone entering the premises will be required. The NZ Covid-19 tracer APP QR code is displayed for you to scan on arrival.
Masks are compulsory and we respect that you may wear your own mask into the clinic and when waiting for your treatment.
Please reschedule your appointment if you are sick or are showing symptoms of sickness including the common flu and cold. Symptoms specific to COVID19 include:
a cough
a high temperature (at least 38°C)
shortness of breath
sore throat
sneezing and runny nose
temporary loss of smell
Please refrain from attending your appointment if you:
have been overseas and have not followed correct self-isolation protocols
have been in contact with someone from overseas who hasn’t followed correct self-isolation protocols
have been in contact with someone who has tested positive, or is suspected to be positive of COVID19
have been in contact with someone who is expressing the symptoms aforementioned above
Please be cautious that individuals with reduced or attenuated immunity are at a greater risk of infection. This includes, but is not limited to, the elderly, those with autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and/or cancer. Please check with your GP if you have concerns about your health and immunity.
Please maintain at least one metre separation where possible while inside the clinic.
Please do not have anyone wait for you in the clinic. Please ensure they stay in their cars unless they are carers, or a support person that is ESSENTIAL for the patient attending.
Hand hygiene: Wash hands before and after your treatment with soap or hand sanitiser. There will be hand sanitiser on the reception desk, and in every treatment room.
Cleaning surface regularly: Bump and Beyond Physio will utilise the best available disinfectant/cleaning spray on the majority of surfaces, including general environment (chairs, countertops, door handles etc). The cleaning of treatment rooms and common counter-tops and chairs will be completed in-between each patient.
This list will be adapted as we learn more about what the restrictions will be and is by no means final.
Many thanks for your understanding and co-operation.
See you soon!
Yee Yeoman