Shelley Solomon Freshstart Physiotherapy in Whangarei and Kerikeri. Treat everything pelvic health (+lymphoedema) - women, men, children, including pessaries. www.freshstartphysiotherapy.co.nz
Yee Yeoman Bump and Beyond Physio, Takapuna, Auckland https://www.bumpandbeyondphysio.co.nz/ Can treat: pregnancy, pelvic floor check and post natal wellness, pelvic girdle pain (low back, hip, buttock, groin, inner thigh), coccydynia, carpal tunnel syndrome/de quervains (hand, thumb and wrist pain), c-section recovery/massage, abdominal muscle separation, bladder and bowel issues, birth related injuries/perineal tears, pelvic organ prolapse, return to exercise assessments and rehab, pelvic and sexual pain.
Caitlin Day, Sophie Lax, Laura Silk, Rachel Velvin, Juliet Bartholomew at Unity Studios, Mount Eden Auckland. www.unitystudios.co.nz. Can treat: incontinence, prolapse, pessaries, colorectal disorders, pelvic pain, diastasis, low back and pelvic girdle pain, pregnancy and post natal pilates.
Nicol Ranger at Positively Pelvic, Silverdale. www.positivelypelvic.co.nz Can treat: incontinence, prolapse, colorectal disorders, pelvic pain, diastasis, low back and pelvic girdle pain
Jamie Thomas, Te Atatu Health Physiotherapy. www.tahealth.co.nz.
Vicki Holmes, Jill Wood: Pelvic Floor physio, Parnell: www.nzpelvicphysio.com
Sara Jane Maunsell, www.femmephysio.co.nz
Melanie Bennette and Hannah Orr http://www.physiodownunder.co.nz/
Sally Lawson Pelvic Health Physiotherapy, Omnicare Women’s Health, Remuera: treating all pelvic Physio conditions, men, women and children
Zee Sharif https://returntoform.com/ Ponsonby and Wynyard Quarter. Can treat: Bowel and Bladder Incontinence, Overactive bladder, Obstructive defecation, Constipation, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Pelvic Pain, Sexual Dysfunction/Pain, Rehabilitation for Pelvic Surgery, Pre and Post Prostatectomy Rehabilitation, exercise rehabilitation (onsite exercise and Pilates studio), Diastasis recti/ abdominal wall separation, Return to sport & exercise after childbirth, Pregnancy related Pain, Pregnancy Pilates, Acupuncture
Narisara Dhruv, Bev Hampton: Bev Hampton’s Physiotherapy: Bowel, bladder issues. Pregnancy and postpartum, pelvic pain,vulvodynia, scar tissue work, prolapse. Www.pelvicphysiotherapy.co.nz
Lydia McTamney: Cambridge Community and Sports Physiotherapy: Treat general women’s and pelvic health - pain, bladder/bowel, pregnancy, POP. I don’t see male pelvic health at present. I also do Clinical Pilates.
Melissa Davidson www.melissadavidson.org. Anything pelvic health related, any gender, any age.
Katie Richardson, Whole health: Doing mostly pre and post natal, bladder issues, pelvic pain, bowel health. I am also a nutritionist. I work closely with a gp who does pessary fitting. Www.wholehealthnz.com
Claire Baker, Bay Physiotherapy Centre, Tauranga
Alice Taylor, Sophie Arnold: Body In Motion, Papamoa, Pyes Pa, Mount Maunganui. Can treat: women with incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain, constipation, pregnancy/post-partum MSK issues. We fit pessaries and also run group pelvic floor classes. www.bodyinmotion.co.nz https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=body%20in%20motion https://www.instagram.com/bodyinmotionhealth/
Emily Burmester: Project Mum, Mount Maunganui. Can treat sui, prolapse (don't do pessaries), pregnancy pain/msk, real interest in postnatal return to exercise, and run early postnatal exercise classes. http://projectphysio.co.nz/project-mum/
Melissa Davidson www.melissadavidson.org. Anything pelvic health related, any gender, any age.
Frances Tague, Te Ngae Physiotherapy. anything related to pelvic health including pessary fitting. My experience lies mostly with women but have limited experience working with children and men too.
Melissa Davidson www.melissadavidson.org. Anything pelvic health related, any gender, any age.
Hawke’s Bay
Bernadette Nolan: Napier: A Pelvic Health Clinic focusing on all aspects of female pelvic health with a holistic approach to health & well-being. I see all age groups of women for continence care, to pain, to prolaspe, with a huge interest in post-natal, perimenopausal, menopausal & Endometriosis health & rehab. I work collaboratively with Female Doctor for pessary fitting. I am a Holistic Pelvic Careâ„¢ Practitioner utilising physical with emotional and energetic tools designed to evaluate and restore balance in the pelvic area of the female body. www.hawkesbaypelvicphysio.co.nz
New Plymouth
Emma Perks - Full Circle Physiotherapy, New Plymouth: We are a MSK & Pelvic Health Clinic focusing on holistic health and wellbeing. I also have a qualification in Pre /Postnatal Exercise Training through Core Exercise Solutions (Sarah Duvall) We specifically see Pregnancy and Postnatal Clients for any women's health and/or MSK issues as well as Perimenopausal women and Continence Care. I don't do pessary fitting so often refer to lovely Lisa for these also in NP. I teach at Parent Centre Antenatal Classes as well as running Pregnancy Prehab courses, which are a unique blend of education and yoga based over 4 weeks. We also have a Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapy service starting
Lisa Yates: Treating all Men’s and Women’s pelvic health conditions. Bladder, bowel, Prostate rehab, prolapse, pelvic pain, ante/post natal and experienced pessary fitting. I’m a personal trainer and a physio with 20 years experience. www.lisayatesphysio.com
Liz Childs, Sarah Boyle, Steph Jones: Pelvic Health Physiotherapy: www.pelvicphysio.co.nz.
Bethany Keymer: Bethany Ford Physiotherapy, Hutt Valley: See all women’s health including bladder, bowel, prolapse, pelvic pain, antenatal/postnatal MSK. Refer out for pessary fitting at present. I teach yoga and run pregnancy yoga/birth prep classes. I also see women post breast cancer treatment and soft tissue complications.
Victoria White: Wellness station: Women’s pelvic health, pessary fitting, pre and post natal pilates, yoga, reformer pilates
Niamh Clerkin, Hazel Cutler Jo Dowle, Freedom Health www.freedomhealth.co.nz
Mary Winchester, https://womenshealthphysio.co.nz
Maree Stevenson-Frost Maree Frost Physiotherapy in Christchurch. Treat men and women with any pelvic health issues. www.mareefrostphysiotherapy.nz
Grace Coombes https://www.groundedphysio.co.nz/
Sarah Lawrence https://www.onebodywellness.co.nz/
Meesha Powell https://www.thepelvicphysio.co.nz/
Lisa Carnie Based in Wanaka and Queenstown. www.pelvicsolutions.co.nz. I treat women, men and some peads, anything pelvic health-related and I fit pessaries. Incontinence, prolapse, bladder bowels, pre and post natal, pelvic pain etc.
Anna Thompson: doing everything pelvic health based (except pessary fitting), for men, women & children www.annathompson.co.nz
Ingrid Vollweiler https://www.thecorecentre.co.nz
Philippa Masoe at http://pmphysiotherapy.co.nz/